When Is the Best Time
If you want to watch the shy Tasmanian devil, Trowunna Wildlife Sanctuary is the perfect location near Cradle Mountain. Taking fantastic pictures of this fascinating predator is almost guaranteed. For more than 30 years now, they have run the conversation breeding programme successfully.

The sanctuary plays a vital role in the preservation of the Tasmanian devil. Many devils from their program got already introduced into the wild in their natural environment.
Opening Hours Trowunna
Open dailiy from 9 am - 5 pm.
Highlights in Trowunna

- Don't miss out on the feeding time of the Tasmanian devil at 11 am., 1 pm. and 3 pm. Watch the powerful bit when fed by a dead possum. Nothing was leftover at the end; the fur, the bones, all was gone.
- Around December, you may see baby devils at the sanctuary.
- If you like to feed the kangaroos, that's an extra charge of $3.
- Visit Trowunna already in the morning when they open the park. It gets crowded from 10.30 am. onwards, and the kangaroos start hiding.

Best Months to Visit
Location and Tips

Trowunna was founded in 1979 with its primary goal of wildlife conservation, education, and research. The park has done essential work for the Tasmanian devil since 1985 and has the biggest population of the devil. Due to facial tumour disease, their work is even more important nowadays.
The released devils are all without the tumour. A healthy population was already released on Maria Island, which you may spot while camping as we did, also at Narawantapu and on the Tasman Peninsula.

They even let you pet some of these cute animals, like a wombat, but not holding them anymore. Usually, I don't pet or hold wild animals, but I couldn't resist holding a wombat. They are cumbersome with a butt hard as metal. Something I will never forget in my life.

The park is incredible for families; your children will love it. Many of the animals in the sanctuary were injured or orphans before. Some were found in the pouch of the dead mother hit by a car. The attentive tour guides have huge knowledge. They answer all questions without any rush. It is also an excellent place for a BBQ and picnic. More information about Trowunna

Don't miss out on the Alumn Cliffs nearby. Feel the cultural importance of this magical place. It was a sacred celebration place for the Aboriginal people.